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Company organised and existing under the laws of Italy with registered address at Via Neera n. 37, 20141 Milan, Italy.
VAT: 00860690155
Tax Code - Register of enterprises of Milan: 00860690155
R.E.A. MI no. 686445
Subject to the direction and coordination of Kering Holland NV
Share capital Euro 5.148.000,00 fully paid-in
E-mail: info@pomellato.com
P.E.C. pomellato@legalmail.it
Telephone number: +39 02 777381
Fax number: +39 02 77738387
Website editor: Pomellato S.p.A.
Website hosting provider: Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL.
Seller: Supplies Distributors SA - Rue du Trilogiport 6, 4681 Hermalle-Sous-Argenteau, Belgium.